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Home + Style Studio Tour & Sale: October 22-24, 2004 - In support of Canadian HIV/AIDS Causes
Title Sponsor
Special Attractions
Trade Day

Thanks to the support of the community and our valued sponsors, we are able to introduce new programs each year that continue to establish the Tour as a successful and affordable vehicle for both recognized creative professionals and emerging talent to showcase their fine work.

Each year in cooperation with the Association of Registered Interior Designer of Ontario (ARIDO), the Home + Style Studio Tour offers a day-long series of professional level seminars. This program is open to both practicing designers and architects at Designers Walk, Canada’s leading design centre.

As part of our ongoing commitment to design education and mentorship, students of design are invited to participate free of charge in TRADE DAY programs alongside their already established peers. Following the event, a student from each category is then chosen to be mentored by our professionally accredited speakers for a period of six months.

The Home + Style Studio Tour also provides a vehicle for students to showcase their work in our annual CLASS OF — STUDENT EXHIBITION. Students enrolled in a variety of fine art and design disciplines have the opportunity to display their work and connect with the design trade during both Trade Day and Public Day at Designers Walk.