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Home + Style Studio Tour & Sale: October 22-24, 2004 - In support of Canadian HIV/AIDS Causes
Title Sponsor
Special Attractions
Trade Day

As a united community of fine artists, designers and décor professionals the Home & Style Studio Tour is proud of its ongoing commitment to the fight against AIDS.

When you take home something special from any one of our Tour Sites, you can enjoy your purchase knowing that a portion of the proceeds from every item sold on Tour-weekend will benefit Canadian HIV/AIDS causes.

Pay-what-you-can donations are also welcome at all Tour Sites. So join the Tour, and wear a red ribbon to show your support!

Remember to check out our current year Silent Auction and Exclusive Access Sale—offering fabulous furniture, accessories and appliances from Designer Model Suites!

It takes a great community to build a great community event!

Here are just a few of the letters of thanks received from various organizations over the years.

Toronto People With AIDS Foundation

On behalf of the Toronto People with AIDS Foundation, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Home + Style Studio Tour for your ongoing support of the Toronto People with AIDS Foundation and in particular, of our annual Holiday Hamper Program.

Every year the Home + Style Studio Tour demonstrates your extraordinary commitment to people living with HIV/AIDS in Toronto through your annual giving to TPWAF and to our annual Holiday Hamper Program. Your contribution has been much over the years (and) this year we are pleased to report that our Holiday Hamper Program was a great success. As a major donor of this program you have contributed greatly to the impact of this program on our clients.

The Toronto People with AIDS Foundation, together with our volunteers, our community partners and community donors, have done some extraordinary work. Together, we have served over 6,500 men, women and children living with HIV/AIDS in Toronto since 1987. It is organizations like the Home + Style Studio Tour whose support and generosity are so necessary. We feel honored to know that you are a part of our community.

We wish you and everyone at the Home + Style Studio Tour all the best and we look forward to working with you in the future.

Together we can make a positive difference.


Murray Jose
Executive Director
April 2005

Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research (CANFAR)

On behalf of the board and staff at CANFAR, the Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research, I would like to thank you for including us as the Charity of Choice for the Home & Style Studio Tour for a second year. As always, it was a pleasure to work with you on this innovative event.

Once again you planned a wonderful tour of the city’s great artists and allowed the public to become a part of the Toronto artists’ scene. The Home + Style Studio Tour is a unique event that we look forward to being a part of every year.

Thank you again for your generosity and leadership.

Anne-Marie Enns
Special Event Manager
March 2005

Family Service Association of Toronto
David Kelley HIV/AIDS Community Counseling Program

We very much want to thank you and the Home + Style Studio Tour and Sale for your donation to our David Kelley HIV/AIDS Community Counseling Program. We are pleased to have you choose us as a recipient and can assure you this directly supports our delivery of service to clients.

Once again thank you very much for considering our service this year. I know you are also assisting us in a voluntary capacity in another program area and I want to take this opportunity to thank you for giving us your valuable time in that respect.


Laurie Chesley
Manager, David Kelley Services
August 2003

Community AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE)

We now have a link on the Home + Style Studio Tour website (providing) increased awareness throughout Canada. CATIE is proud to be among the organizations chosen by the Home + Style Studio Tour and would like to thank Jeffrey and his team and sponsors for this important initiative.

Germain Marcotte
Acting Team Leader, Resources & Development
March 2002

AIDS Committee of Toronto

On behalf of myself and the AIDS Committee of Toronto, please allow me to express our sincerest thanks to yourself and the many individuals who contributed to making the Home + Style Studio Tour such an artistic and financial success.

Every aspect of the show was first class—from the open studios and their art to the many demonstrations that surrounded this event; everything was beautifully executed and presented. I know that the work displayed in the open studios that I visited was outstanding. My friends were also very impressed with the wide range of talent that was on display.

On a personal note, I would especially like to thank you, Jeffrey for your work in ensuring the success of the Home and Style Studio Tour. Your tireless efforts to promote the show and your great work in carefully organizing every detail really paid off.

We live at the crossroads in the AIDS service movement—thanks to the new drugs, more people are now living longer. Many people believe that the drug cocktails are a cure. Let me assure you that they are not. As the same time, HIV/AIDS is spreading into new populations—particularly women, youth, and IV drug users. Thanks to your support, ACT will be able to continue to provide help to those groups hardest hit by HIV/AIDS as well as extend our outreach work to prevent the further spread of this epidemic.

Thanks again for your time, talent, and energy.

Sincerely yours,

Charles M. Roy
Executive Director
October 1999